Back it Up

Have you ever debated whether to pull in or reverse into a parking lot? According to SafeStart, one out of every seven car incidents takes place in parking lots. Everyone should back into straight parking spaces. Backing into parking spaces can expedite travel, while also conserving gasoline, and sometimes even saving a life.

First of all, parking in reverse could save a life. In 2015, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that vehicles backing up injured 12,000 non occupants of vehicles, such as pedestrians and cyclists, and killed 284 people. Children and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to being injured or killed in rear-end collisions. According to Kids & Cars, 25 children in the US were killed in 2019 due to cars backing up alone! AAA advises drivers to back into parking spots or pull through and not fully rely on rear-view or traffic alert technology in vehicles, which have their limitations.

Equally important, reverse parking is more economical with fuel. On a cold engine, backing out consumes more fuel than moving forward does. When you are ready to pull away, your engine is chilly because it has been idle, compared to when you first arrived at your parking location and it was warm because it had been running. Research has shown that more fuel is used when backing into a cold engine than when backing into a warm engine. As shown by research from the Institute of Advanced Motorists, reversing out of a parking space with a cold engine uses 20 to 25 times more fuel in the first few seconds than on a warm engine.

Not to mention, reverse parking is faster and more effective. Do you ever want to go home as soon as work or school is over? To avoid wasting time you don’t have, pull back into the parking space when you have the time. According to research, those who are anxious become more anxious as a result of having to back out compared to those who can drive straight ahead. Panic and hurrying are nearly always brought on by emergencies. In an emergency, it is significantly quicker to hop in your car and leave right away.

Therefore, reverse parking is quicker and more fuel-efficient. Additionally, it could save a life. Of course, you don’t want to waste time waiting for that one individual to back up. Don’t be that person. Back it up! It’s a lifestyle.

Planned Perfection

Have you ever been asked to describe the highlight of your day? The time you spend eating dinner with your family should count. Eating dinner with your family helps create and strengthen bonds; family members are less likely to engage in risky behavior; and family dinners relieve stress. First, eating family dinners promotes bonding. You must be able to maintain contact with not only your own life but also the lives of your family members. It can give younger children a sense of love and security to know they are part of a loving family. Recent studies from Columbia University show that teens who eat family dinners more often know more about their family than those who don’t have family dinners. Eating together as a family can also help families be less prone to risky behavior and less likely to think about suicide, take drugs, or suffer from depression. Being more at ease with your family allows you to be more open and willing to discuss difficult issues in your life. A study shows that teens who eat more with their family are almost four times less likely to try tobacco or use alcohol than those who don’t eat with their family. Last, family dinners relieve stress. If you have a demanding job, finding time to eat with your family will leave you feeling less stressed. In 2008, researchers at Brigham Young University conducted a study of employee workers and found that sitting down to a family meal helped working parents reduce the tension and strain from long hours at the office. In a recent Columbia University study, 71% of teenagers said they consider talking, catching up, and spending time with their family as the best parts of their family dinners. Be a part of the 71 percent and find time to eat with your family. It will improve bonds within your family; your family will be less inclined toward risky behavior; and they will relieve stress. Even if you think you don’t have time, make time. Have family dinners.

Think Differently, Think Chocolate Milk

Have you ever needed something to drink after a workout or sporting event but couldn’t find the right thing to quench your thirst? That happens to me all the time. Do you want to know what I drink? My drink of choice is chocolate milk. Apart from the fact that it tastes amazingly delicious, I enjoy drinking chocolate milk for a variety of reasons. Chocolate milk helps rebuild muscles quickly, replenish and rehydrate your body, and tone and shape your body.

One of the first reasons chocolate milk is my go-to drink is that it aids in muscle regeneration. Unlike plain milk, water, or other sports drinks, chocolate milk contains 8 grams of protein per 8 ounces, which makes it double the amount of carbs as other drinks and is ideal for tired and sore muscles. Several studies from have shown that subjects who drank chocolate milk after a diligent workout experienced less exercise-induced muscle damage and muscle soreness compared to those who drank typical sports drinks or water. Unaccustomed exercise that results in pain and soreness typically causes exercise-induced muscle damage. In one study from, post-exercise muscle biopsies (a procedure used to diagnose diseases involving muscle tissue) in eight moderately trained male runners showed strengthened skeletal muscle protein synthesis, which is the driving force behind adaptive responses to exercise, after drinking 16 ounces of fat-free chocolate milk compared to when they guzzled a carbohydrate-only sports beverage with the same amount of calories. This enhancement is a sign that muscles are better able to repair and rebuild.

My second reason for choosing chocolate milk as my favorite drink after working out or doing other physical activity is that it replenishes and rehydrates. Milk is a natural choice compared to the electrolytes that are added to sports drinks and energy drinks you see on television with fluids to help you rehydrate. According to, research suggests that milk helps you stay more hydrated after exercise than other energy drinks you could choose as your post-workout drink. They found that milk is more efficient than water or sports drinks at restoring and maintaining normal hydration status after exercise.

My third reason is that drinking chocolate milk post-workout could help athletes tone up and reshape their bodies. Milk’s high-quality protein has been shown to help athletes gain more lean muscle and lose fat when compared to chugging a carb-only drink as part of your regular post-workout drink routine. A study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that women incorporating chocolate milk into a recovery routine during a 12-week training program acquired greater muscle mass, gained strength, lost fat, and even had a potential protective effect on bone growth and health. Another study, to back up the study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, was from the University of Texas at Austin, in which 32 untrained but healthy cyclists recovered with either low-fat chocolate milk or with a carbohydrate drink. The cyclists that had recovered with the low-fat chocolate milk gained more muscle and lost more fat during training, giving them a three-pound lean muscle advantage compared to the cyclists that had recovered with the carbohydrate drink.

These are three reasons my go-to refreshment after a workout or physical activity is chocolate milk. Chocolate milk helps rebuild muscles quickly, replenishes and rehydrates your body, and helps reshape and tone your muscles. So, next time you finish a workout or other physical activity and need a drink, don’t grab a Gatorade or Body Armor from your fridge or a Red Bull from a vending machine. Think differently. Think chocolate milk.

More than Ribbons and Banners

Have you ever heard of something being referred to as a marathon or a sprint? Well, showing cattle is both a marathon and a sprint! Let me explain. The work leading up to the show feels much like a marathon. Tirelessly halter-breaking, walking and earning the trust of your animal for months. Step into the show, however, and time warps like it does in a sprint. There is nothing more you can do to train your animal or make her look better. The fair is all about the work leading up to you and your heifer stepping into the ring. I love the feeling of the rush on show day when everyone is trying to get their heifers ready for the show! There are several activities in life that I love doing and that make me happy. One of which is showing cattle. I find true delight in showing cattle because I can see my hard work pay off, there is such a special bond created between me and the animal, and that it’s good competition.

First, this is an activity where you can strongly see hard work pay off. It takes dedication and hard work to raise a champion heifer. The work put in though, pays off when you and your heifer walk into the show ring and the heifer glides smoothly on her legs and walks confidently and trustingly as you lead her on to the show halter. Getting to this point takes hours in the barn,   day-to-day chores, daily washing, regular exercising, and if I’m honest, some blood, sweat, and tears. All of this effort leads to one brief appearance in the show ring with the outcome resting in a single judge’s opinion. We will either be the winner or the loser. In showing cattle, not everyone wins. There is only one first place trophy earned. While there are well-known dairy cattle exhibitors whose livestock typically perform well, any hard-working exhibitor has the chance to win the trophy. Often, it comes down to how much work was put in during preparation.  Another reason that showing dairy cattle makes me happy is the special bond that is created between my heifer and myself. The special bond is created during the preparation. Every day, I walk and talk to my heifer, so she knows my voice. I rely on this in the show ring to calm her and bring her comfort when she is nervous or in an unfamiliar environment. Oftentimes my heifer will lead very differently for someone else because their voice, smell and even look, is different. The bond that we create stays beyond show season, she will be able to recognize me when in a common barn with other heifers. Lastly, the competition in dairy showing makes me happy. It’s truly a team effort with me and my animal. I need my heifer to perform well, and she needs me to do the same. Together, we win or together, we lose. I compete against other leads people by showing off the strength of my heifer better than they show off the strengths of their heifers. On the other hand, my heifer is competing against other animals, whether she knows it or not. After all, the judge is looking at her. It’s anybody’s ribbon, there is no predetermined winner.

I love and enjoy showing my dairy cattle, it truly makes me happy! The hard work pays off, there is a special bond created, and the competition is tough. Ribbons fade over time, but lessons I learn showing dairy cattle will always remain.

It’s Absolutely Moo-velous!

Have you ever given a cow a belly rub? If you haven’t, you should really put it on your bucket list. I love cows! I delight in the feeling when you walk into the barn, and all you can hear is the conversations being had between the cows and them freely munching on the appetizing feed. There are many reasons why my favorite animal is cows. Cows have great memories, they form close relationships with other animals and humans, and they are affectionate and forgiving. First of all, cows are very smart. If you ever find yourself standing right next to a cow, be nice to her because she will remember you and how she feels for you. Have you ever wondered how cows know where their food is, or even, where their free stall is? That’s because they have a great memory! From experience, I know that some cows like to lay in specific free stalls and when another cow is laying in their spot, the cow will do whatever necessary  to get the other cow up. Cows can also hold grudges against other cows who once treated them badly. Another reason is that cows can form close friendships and relationships. Cows form strong bonds, choosing to spend much time with just a few preferred individual cows and stay away from others. Studies have shown that when with their BFF’s, their stress levels decrease and when separated, their stress levels increase. The mother/calf bond is explicitly strong, and there are never ending reports of mom cows who continue to call and search for their baby even after being taken away or even sold. My last reason is that cows can be very affectionate and forgiving to humans and other furry friends. Cows love to be pet, stroked, and scratched behind the ear, and on their head, neck, and back. Even cows who have been mistreated in the past can heal over time with just a little bit of patience and TLC or tender loving care.. There are many reasons why cows are my favorite animals but these are my three. Cows have a great memory, they form close relationships, and they are affectionate and forgiving. Cows can be and feel just like humans sometimes!

The Power of Pets

Did you know that 68% of U.S. households have a pet? I think everyone should have a pet. Having a pet comes along with benefits for both you and your pet. The benefits of owning a pet include physical benefits, mental benefits, and overall responsibility. 

One benefit of owning a pet is physical health. Research has shown that simply petting or touching a dog lowers the stress hormone cortisol. The stress hormone cortisol is the body’s main stress hormone and works with certain parts of your body to control your mood, motivation, and fear. In fact, 84% of PTSD patients paired with a service dog announced a significant decrease in symptoms. The American Heart Association, an organization that funds cardiovascular medical research, released a research report witnessing dog ownership as a way of defending against cardiovascular disease. 

Another benefit of having a pet is the benefit of mental health. For people with a mental health condition, research has shown that time with pets reduces anxiety levels more than any other activities. Pets also provide an outside form of interaction that can motivate and encourage people, especially smaller ones. 

Overall responsibility is another benefit of having a pet. Having a pet, forces you to learn responsibility and valuable life lessons including feeding, exercising, and caring for. It also teaches you about illness and loss. Pet ownership is also a great opportunity to learn valuable time management skills. They can also increase opportunities to exercise, get outside, and socialize. 

In conclusion, I believe everyone should have a pet. The benefits don’t just benefit you, but they benefit your pet also. Owning a pet can benefit your physical health, your mental health, and your overall responsibility.

All defensive team

Did you ever play basketball in middle school, high school, or college? There are a variety of defenses that a team can run against the other team including man-to-man or 1-3-1 zone. When first starting to play basketball in middle school, a man-to-man defense is best. Three reasons that this defense is best is that it pressures the offense, ensures that the best player is guarded, and makes it easier to box out and get rebounds. 

Playing man to man defense pressures the offense and the player with the ball. The defender can guard the ball with pressure so that it makes it harder to pass and to shoot the ball. When you play a zone defense, such as a 2-3 zone, it is easier for a good shooting team to shoot the ball. It also makes it easier to pass around and let the offense control the speed of the game. Another reason to play man to man defense is that it ensures that all the match ups are relatively fair. It guarantees that the best defensive player is covering the best offensive player. For example, in a 2-3 zone, a player covers a spot on the court which then results in people guarding players of all sizes and abilities. Lastly, playing man to man defense makes it easier to box out because the player can easily see a shot go up and can box out the player they are guarding. Contrary, in a 1-3-1 zone a player is not covering a specific player so they have to find another player to box out. 

There are a variety of defenses that a team can play but when playing middle school basketball, a man-to-man defense is best because it puts pressure on the offense, it ensures that the best player is guarded, and it makes it easier to box out and get rebounds.

My Dream House

A dream house is one that is customized and unique and therefore not typically found anywhere else. My ultimate dream house would have three specific features.  The three features that I want in my dream house are:  an indoor swimming pool, a fitness room, and an indoor basketball court. 

First, and most important to me, is an indoor swimming pool. I imagine that the pool is right next to a hot tub and has lights to make it look cool no matter what the time of day. Having an indoor pool would allow year-round access.  

Secondly on my list is a fitness room. The equipment in the fitness room would consist of weights, a treadmill and an exercise bike. Owning an indoor gym would allow me to access equipment whenever I want and not have to wait in line or travel to a gym. It will also allow me to have an exercise routine and stay focused on my health and wellness.

The third feature that I want my dream home to have is an indoor basketball court. I would have the court colors be a light brown and green and have the Milwaukee Bucks logo at center court.  Having an indoor basketball court would allow me to practice at anytime on any day. I could also host basketball camps, practices and let others have the benefit of using an indoor basketball court.  Basketball is a great physical activity and would be something productive to do when you or anyone else is bored.

My imagination runs wild when I think of my dream house, but I know that it for sure includes an indoor swimming pool, a fitness room, and an indoor basketball court. 

Traveling: An incredible Experience Awaits

There are three places that I would like to visit in the United States. My goal when traveling is to learn and see new things and visiting these three places will help me to accomplish this goal. The three places are San Francisco, California, Atlanta, Georgia, and Yellowstone which is in Montana. 

The first attraction I would like to visit is San Francisco, California. There are several things that I would like to do here such as see the Golden Gate Bridge, visit The Chase Center, and see the actual Full House, house. The length of the Golden Gate Bridge is astonishing to me and I want to bike, walk, or run across it. The Chase Center Is home to one of my absolute favorite NBA teams, The Golden State Warriors. Growing up, I watched the show Full House and would love to see where the famous house where it was filmed. Another city that I would like to visit is Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta is home to several neat sites including, The State Farm Arena, Centennial Olympic Park, and Six Flags over Georgia. One of my favorite NBA players, Trae Young, plays for the Atlanta Hawks in The State Farm Arena. I would also love to see new things by walking around Centennial Olympic Park.  I love to go on thrill rides and Six Flags over Georgia has a lot of rides and roller coasters. I would also like to see and go visit Yellowstone, Montana. There are many beautiful sights to see in Yellowstone such as hot springs, buffalo and the attractive mountains. I have heard that hot springs have a rotten egg-scent and would like to experience that for myself. I also am curious to see and maybe even touch different animals, such as bison, in their natural habitat and learn about how they live. The mountains in Yellowstone look beautiful and I would like to go hiking up them.

Traveling allows people, like myself, to see new things and learn things about places other than their home state and town. While there are many places around the United States, these are the top three places I would like to visit; San Francisco, California, Atlanta Georgia, and Yellowstone, Montana.

Amazing Athlete

I think students should participate in a school sport. I have three main reasons why I think that this is important: participating in a school sport teaches you teamwork, improves your physical fitness, and teaches leadership and sportsmanship skills. First, participating in a school sport teaches teamwork and allows athletes the opportunities to create lasting friendships. Even athletes in individual sports can learn how to work with others, specifically with their coach. Another reason everyone should participate in a school sport is that sports will improve your overall physical fitness. Keeping active has benefits such as bone health, improved sleep, and better coordination and balance. If you have any stress, sports are proven to help manage stress levels. Sports can also help you manage your weight. Lastly, participating in school sports will teach you leadership skills and good sportsmanship. When you play a sport, you either win or lose and you will learn how to control your emotions either way. You will also learn how to control yourself when things don’t go your way. Being a good sport in athletics and in life is key to being a good person, friend and leader. I think everyone should play school sports because it will teach you teamwork, improve your physical fitness, and teach you leadership skills and good sportsmanship.